Roma, Editrice coop. UTOPIA, 1986-

Storm, canto V, 2004, n. 3-4

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Storm, Canto V. Editorial note, pp. 3-4


STELLA Rosetta - GIARDINI Federica
Starting from the canto, pp. 5-8

STELLA Rosetta
La bocca mi baciò tutto tremante, pp. 9-21

E il modo ancor m'offende, pp. 22-24

Amor, ch'a nullo amato amar perdona, pp. 25-27

MAMBRO Francesca
Que' due che insieme vanno/ e paion sì al vento esser leggieri, pp. 28-32

Ma dimmi: al tempo d'i dolci sospiri, pp. 33-36

Bufera Canto V / Immagini, pp. 37-40

FIORI Maria Raffaella
Che la ragion sommettono al talento, pp. 41-45

Volentieri parlerei a que' due che insieme vanno,/ e paion sì al vento esser leggieri, pp. 46-50

Amor, ch'a nullo amato amar perdona/ (…) Amor, ch'al cor gentil ratto s'apprende, pp. 51-52

La bufera infernal, che mai non resta, pp. 53-57

BLAU DUPLESSIS Rachel (edited and translated by BONO Paola)
For the Etruscans, pp. 58-84

BIZZOTTO Sara (introduced by TOMMASI Wanda)
Un esempio di autorità femminile nel Seicento: Elisabetta di Boemia, pp. 85-97


RUSSI Valentina
Vuoti e trasparenze dell'etica preventiva: in margine a DWF, 'L'algebra della prevenzione', pp. 98-102


Reviews, pp. 102-116

Abstracts, pp. 117

Authors, pp. 118

GIARDINI Federica, Storm, Canto V. Editorial note, pp. 2-4

This issue continues experimenting with new ways of producing the journal. Usually, a subject is selected in relation to either a specific proposal of one of the editors, or as clearly having a political significance in the present moment; it is then thrashed out for at least a month (often more) in the weekly meetings of the editorial board, in order to prepare a short written statement, then to given to the women we wish to write upon it.

Thus, the fact that in this case the proposal came from a woman outside the editorial board (Rosetta Stella), who then acted as a sort of 'guest editor' in close cooperation with a member of the editorial board (Federica Giardini), marks a significant departure from the usual procedure (in part building upon previous experiences). The choice of contributors was Stella and Giardini's but the contributions were also discussed by the editorial board.

The starting point of the issue is Canto 5 of Dante's Inferno as a pretext to reflect on the present state of relationships between women and men and more generally on the eternal question of love.

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STELLA Rosetta - GIARDINI Federica, Starting from the canto, pp. 5-8

Canto 5 of Dante's Inferno is a classical locus of both women's and men's sentimental education. Here it is a pretext to play with its wise poetry, to be moved by it but also to question it, to poke unrespectful fun at it with an irony born of the comparison with our own lives or to follow its meanings to then give them an unexpected turn.

Looking for words on the border of a wild interpretation, among women. First three women (Stella, Giardini, Chiaromonte, Fiori) discuss the Canto, then they ask some other women (Rossi, Tatafiore, Mambro, Vantaggiato, Scaraffia) to do the same; the resulting reflections outline a picture of love as it is experienced today.

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BLAU DUPLESSIS Rachel (edited and translated by BONO Paola), For the Etruscans, pp. 58-84

The Italian translation of the famous lecture held by DuPlessis 25 years ago and published in The Pink Guitar. Writing as Feminist Practice, New York and London: Routledge, 1990. In the introduction, Paola Bono reflects on such delay trying to outline its reasons.

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